Back To School – Tips For The Kids

After a long summer holiday, going back to school can seem quite scary or unpleasant. Here are some tips for pupils of all ages to get them back into the swing of things for September… Lots of people enjoy seeing their friends again or getting back into class, but others can find it quite a daunting feeling - especially if you're going to a new school. Here are some handy tips on how you can get prepared.

Get into a routine

During the school holidays it is easy to get up when you want or spend lots of time on the sofa watching TV or playing Xbox, but this will mean you'll find going back to school hard. Instead, get yourself into a routine by setting your alarm and getting out of bed the same time each morning, and even spend time doing different tasks throughout the day – just like you would at school.

Detective work

Knowing how to solve problems is a key skill needed at school, not only in your lessons but also in the playground. Keep your brain in working order by completing mind puzzles like word searches and crosswords or sudoku, or even create a treasure hunt to enjoy with your friends in the garden (if your parents allow!).


The new school year will mean you'll see old friends and perhaps even make some new ones too, but it isn't always easy. Practise your smile and if you see someone on their own on the first day back, go and say hello; they might just end up being your best friend.

Try something new

Challenge your skills and abilities and your confidence will be put to the test. This will help you feel more prepared when you go into the new school year, where you may be working in different classes with different teachers.

Share our helpful tips with your class and here’s to a great back-to-school season!

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