
What makes a Kingswood adventure so impactful?

It's not just about top-notch entertainment, long-lasting memories, and boat-loads of fun! Outdoor adventure learning is a fascinating way in which individuals can develop on a variety of essential everyday traits - from confidence, self-belief, to resilience.

Transferable learning that comes with outdoor adventure means individuals can harness the impactful outcomes and skills they gain from the outdoors, and see real benefits in everyday life. It's not enough to assume the impact - we know it. Impact is defined as making a marked effect or difference across time. Whether it be through enhanced team productivity, statistical differences in measures of behaviour, or all the more smiling faces, Kingswood create, capture, and evaluate the essence of adventure education by understanding impact. 

We provide a range of appropriately challenging programmes within invigorating natural settings, and a measuring tool in order to track the progress of confidence before and after a Kingswood trip. These resilience-building adventures help test capabilities and refresh feelings of well-being and achievement.

Continual evaluation of impact and refinement of our programming allows us to deliver our core philosophy and purpose: to unlock potential in every individual by building positive, adaptive skill sets which support well-being, enabling education, employability and social mobility!

From expanding comfort zones, facing fears, building resilience, to harnessing the essential benefits of the outdoors. Take a look below at some of the impactful content by our Head of Learning and Impact, Dr. John Allan.

CYP Special Report: Outdoor Adventure

Dr John Allan joined the CYP Now podcast for a special report on outdoor adventures.

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FOBISIA webinar: Building a rope of resilience...

In March 2024, John was invited to present to the Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA).

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Presentation slides: Strengthen teamwork and build resilience in adults and young people

At the inaugural MAT Show, Dr John discussed 21st century learning through outdoor adventure.

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'How To Build Resilience Through Outdoor Adventure'

Resilience is widely recognised as key for optimising educational outcomes. Dr John Allan explains all in this article for Teaching Times.

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Dr. John Allan's response to the results of the Youth Voice Census report 2023

Dr John Allan, our Head of Learning and Impact’s response to the results of the Youth Voice Census 2023 report.

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Dr John Allan’s latest blog concerning the value of outdoor adventure learning for young people is featured on the SHU web-site.

A look at how learning in the natural world today helps children adapt to the challenges of tomorrow.

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"Embracing Outdoor Adventure" by Dr John Allan - featured article in Teach Primary's annual 'Top School Trips' magazine.

The role of outdoor adventure in developing the skills children need to adapt to present difficulties and build capacity for the future.

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ILF Pilot Courses for 'forgotten middle' children

A look at the design, delivery and impact of Inspiring Learning Foundation's latest pilot programme.

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Inspiring active outdoor lives

In response to the government's new Sport Strategy, Dr John Allan raises the flag for outdoor activities and calls for greater collaboration between practitioners and policy makers.

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'Inspiring the forgotten middle' - Horizons Magazine

What are the 'forgotten middle'? And how can we stop them falling through the cracks?

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NCST Skills4Life Impact Analysis

Study shows significant increases in resilience and wellbeing for Skills4Life participants.

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Outdoor Adventure Resilience Study

Establishing links between sustained resilience from outdoor adventure and academic function

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"We grow in confidence outdoors" Kingswood interview with Teachwire

How far do pupils’ boundaries need pushing to build their confidence? Dr John Allan explains in a Teachwire conversation

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The Resilience Tight-rope

5 strands of resilience, and 5 steps for better balance - Dr. John Allan

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Enabling children to thrive in outdoor adventure

Top tips for enabling children to thrive through schools-based Outdoor Adventure Education - Dr. John Allan

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What is Bouncing Beyond?

Bouncing back from adversity? Here’s how to bounce beyond... - Dr. John Allan

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The top five ways outdoor adventure improves wellbeing

Dr John Allan, Kingswood's Head of Learning and Impact, shares his insight into ways adventure can directly improve wellbeing.

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Adventure Mind 2022 conference

Find out how we can embed impact through adventure learning in Dr John Allan's keynote presentation.

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Teaching with transfer in mind

Teachers can make outdoor learning even more impactful for their students.

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Growing in confidence and expanding your comfort zone

The relationship between moving outside of your comfort zone and increasing self-confidence is widely known.

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Introducing our new Head of Learning and Impact, Dr John Allan

We are delighted to welcome Dr John Allan to the team at Kingswood. John joins us as our new Head of Learning and Impact.

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