Character Building, Learning Outdoors And The Importance Of Residentials

You’ve heard it from us and probably from a few others, that learning outside the classroom is extremely valuable in child development.

You’ve heard it from us and probably from a few others, that learning outside the classroom is extremely valuable in child development. It’s something that Kingswood not only believes in, but witnesses first hand. With over 175,000 young people visiting us every year, we can confidently say that residential experiences build great character and resilience in young people.

Historically, there has been a huge focus from schools, colleges and universities on academic achievements. Being ‘high achieving’ meant getting top grades, with limited nod to emotional intelligence or personality. But these days, society is recognising that taking the time to build character traits, teaching young people life skills and improving confidence is arguably more valuable, as it allows children to develop themselves personally. A residential provides exactly that: a chance to work on life skills such as confidence, team work, resilience, problem solving, communication and leadership (to name a few).

“There is compelling evidence… that children and young people thrive through learning and engaging outside the classroom. Such activity helps children develop character and resilience, it improves their personal, social and emotional development and helps them reach their potential.”

Martin Smith, Character and Resilience and the Outdoors, Outdoor Council, July 2019.

Residentials provide a well-rounded learning experience. By taking time to learn outside of the classroom, pupils are able to associate with things that they aren’t exposed to ordinarily when in a formal environment. They can connect with nature, with each other, be curious and subsequently more engaged with learning experiences in general. Even staying overnight away from home, although seemingly scary, becomes an exciting and challenging (in a positive way) experience that would straight away nurture a child’s development as a human being.

“The overall experience was fantastic. Our children really did develop and grow as individuals through the experience.”

Primary School, West Runton 2019

At Kingswood, we place high value on helping children learn new skills, build character and confidence. With each adventure, you have the opportunity to select up to three of our suggested learning outcomes, which enable us to tailor our activity sessions to maximise their impact for your group.

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