Meet Henry, our new Staffordshire Centre Manager

Find out how Henry made the move from Kingswood Camp Coach to Centre Manager

Find out how henry made the move from Kingswood camp coach to centre manager

Henry Teuma is certainly no stranger to Kingswood, he started way back in the summer of 2006 as a camp coach at our Isle of Wight centre. This first experience as a Kingswood staff member was so great he decided to come back year after year, progressing through the roles of Customer Service Leader, Customer Service Team Leader, Assistant Manager and Centre Operations across four different Kingswood centres in just a few years.

Henry has done a fantastic job in every role he’s tried his hand at, with an excellent understanding of our centre locations and our staff’s needs. Fast forward to 2018, Henry is now embarking on his biggest role yet as Centre Manager at the original Kingswood centre, Staffordshire, founded in 1985.

Q&A with Henry

We can’t wait to see how Henry gets on at Staffordshire, but in the meantime let us introduce you to him...

Q: Where did you grow up?

A: Hemel Hempstead which is in Hertfordshire

Q: What was your dream job growing up?

A: As a teenager, I was interested in becoming either a Policeman or a Teacher

Q: Tell us something surprising about yourself?

A: I can tap dance…a little bit anyway

Q: So is dancing your favourite hobby?

A: Rugby is actually my sport of choice, and I support Saracens team.

Q: Who’s your favourite 80s band?

A: I’m more of a 90s child, so it would have to be Take That.

Q: What do you love most about your job in two words?

A: Never boring!

Q: Favourite on centre activity?

A: 1, 2, 3 G Swing!

Q: What was your best memory of an overnight residential from your youth?

A: Staying overnight camping with my year group doing loads of activities, picking on the teachers especially during the watersports activities!

Q: What do you think is the key to a great residential?

A: Having committed staff who are engaging with the young people we cater for and also having a good rapport with the visiting teachers and adults that come along – they want to have a good time as much as the young people do! Listening to our customers and meeting expectations as well as looking for areas for us to improve

Q: What’s your best cheese joke?

A: Did you hear about the explosion at the cheese factory? There was nothing but de-brie!

Could you be the next Kingswood Centre Manager? Follow in Henry's footsteps and apply for our Activity Leader Apprentice roles here


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